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Worker safety on the construction site

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Enhance worker safety on the construction site through the use of connected wearable devices such as construction helmets for geolocation, detection of irregularities among people, and sending alerts in case of emergencies. Receive signals even in areas with no signal.

Smart BTP/construction

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In the construction sector, ensuring the safety of workers on the site is not only a responsibility but also a challenge. The major challenge lies in the effective monitoring and protection of workers against hazardous situations, especially on vast and complex construction sites.

Akensys, with its innovative solution using connected wearable devices, has proven its crucial role in overcoming this challenge. These devices not only track the position of workers but also detect hazardous situations, including intrusions into insecure areas, triggering instant alerts.

The solution proposed by Akensys not only helps minimize risks for workers but also offers numerous advantages. The ability to respond quickly in emergencies contributes to reducing the rate of accidents and injuries. Additionally, using the data collected by these devices provides detailed insights to analyze and improve work processes on the site.

With Akensys, safety is not just a commitment but a reality. By applying intelligent solutions, the construction site becomes not only safer but also more productive, enhancing employee satisfaction. "



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