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Inventory of tools on the construction site

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Easily manage tool inventory on site or during a construction project, whether on-site or in transit

Smart BTP/construction

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"Challenges: Managing the inventory of tools on a construction site can be a complex challenge. Precise location tracking, scheduled maintenance, and loss prevention require constant monitoring. Traditional methods can be time-consuming and prone to human errors, resulting in delays and additional costs.

Solutions: Akensys, with its advanced IoT solution, provides a relevant answer to these challenges. Connected sensors are integrated into tools, enabling real-time location tracking. These sensors also collect data on tool usage and condition, facilitating the implementation of predictive maintenance programs. Moreover, instant alerts are triggered in case of unauthorized movement or maintenance needs.

Advantages: Akensys' adoption of IoT technology offers complete visibility into tool inventory. This allows for proactive management, reducing downtime, minimizing losses, and improving operational efficiency. Precise tool location also helps prevent theft, enhancing site security. By investing in Akensys' solution, companies benefit from optimal tool management, reducing costs related to losses and repairs, and strengthening the overall efficiency of their construction operations."



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